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How a bar soap can simplify your shower

If you think of it, our hygiene is one of the major reasons we have so much plastic waste on our planet. We value our health as the most essential thing in our life so we put our body hygiene on the top priority. Because of that, the consumer market is overfill with tons of products suggesting us that we need them all; and the worst of all, those products are sold in various plastic bottles. But what do we actually need to keep our body healthy?
Hygiene refers to a behavior that can improve cleanliness and lead to good health. Human body hygiene specifically refers to cleanliness of our teeth, skin and hair. It also touches our guts but we will leave it to a different article.
How can we simplify our way to cleanliness without sacrificing the results?
First, let’s look for products that are stored and distributed in paper packages. I love the new trend of biodegradable plastic but to be honest ‘old’ plastic is also biodegradable – it just takes 500 years. If you reduce the time to a few years and ADD A USE of a ‘special’ facility that wastes energy to biodegrade ‘new’ plastic – you don’t make the picture prettier. But wait, all paper biodegrades itself in water without any help from humans – isn’t it great? Just for that reason, if we cannot eliminate packaging, our products are stored in paper containers. Look at our hairstyling wax products in paper tins.
Second, let’s see if we can find human hygiene products that do not need any packaging. One of them is called Bar Soap. – Oh, man ! Did we just invent it? – No, it was around for centuries! Corporates that make money on selling deluded body detergents made a big effort to make us forget about existence of a simple and the most sustainable body hygiene product – bar soap. That piece of concentrated bundle of cleanliness that can be found on a dusty bottom shelf of personal care department in any plastic-filled shop.
Meet the bar soap
Bar soap like dinosaurs, we all know about it from pictures. Some of us know and many have heard how great that soap actually is, yet we still use soap-called detergents with added cream for moisturizing cause that liquid rubbish goo clearly doesn’t do it. But why not using bar soap for all our cleaning needs?
I personally do. I’ve been using Good Bloke Bar Soap since the day one. When we started making it using traditional cold process method I realized that bar soap can replace bottles of shampoo, conditioners and body wash altogether. It’s like all-in-one bar that does not sacrifices the quality of everything it replaces.
The point here is to reassure you that there are people who live a happy life while spend significantly less money and time on all what’s called ‘necessary personal care products’. We are among you and you are more than welcome to ask us how we feel and how you can benefit from it too.
Many men use one bar soap for all their needs, while others are falling in traps of colorful advertisements showing luxury life of possessions. You can start using bar soap as your daily go-to product to see the positive results in your health and in a wallet. It will save you from stress of choosing the best product among ten available in your cabinet every time you take a shower.
Pine Tar Bar Soap$8.00
Charcoal Bar Soap$8.00
Olive Bar Soap$8.00
Salt Bar Soap$8.00
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